Thursday, February 24, 2011

... and thanks for all the fish...

How many monkeys would it take to write Shakespeare?  Well, I am pretty sure there has been more than enough blog entries in the world by now to dispel the rumor that there are enough monkeys on the Internet to ever accomplish that feat.

So why oh why would I add to the plethora of badly written, highly opinionated, (mostly) rubbish out here in Internet land?  Well, because I am selfish to be honest (if you are confused by that answer then good, you should be).

Explanation follows:
  • I want to assist my lazy procrastinating self to get more done (and this way I can reward myself for all the awesome things I get done... if I get myself so far to do something and/or get so far to blog about it...);
  • I want to enhance my writing skills, and my analytical thinking too;
  • Heck, maybe, just maybe I have something that needs saying and there is somebody out there that needs to hear it. :)

So yes, I hope to use this experience to enhance who I am, because looking back at many years of dreaming and comparing it to my current situation shocked me into realization (finally) that something needs to be done.

So my dear reader... if you have made it this far I will stop torturing you with this sub-par piece of literature but leave you with something to ponder:

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.”
Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790), ‘Poor Richard’s Almanack,’ June 1746


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